They both are stage directors, actresses, writers... They come from the Netherlands, but studied in Brussels. Anouk Friedli and Guus Diepenmaat are preparing for their performance ‘WHAT THE GOD’. In residence at the Quinta do Chapeleiro, they will try to find the common thread that links their written and collected material. The main questions in their search are: What does believing mean? And: In what way has religion an influence on our daily life?
Before returning North, they are eager to meet the public of Évora at Casa Morgado Esporão so that they can present the latest developments of their work in progress.
The encounter will take place on May 21 at 5pm, and will be in English.
Fragments will be read, questions and issues will be debated in relation to the theme as well as the theatrical form. The meeting itself may enhance later developments.